Your Big Lighted Artificial Christmas Tree Will Sell Out Potential Shortage Looms Over Availability

Your Big Lighted Artificial Christmas Tree Will Sell Out Potential Shortage Looms Over Availability
Your Big Lighted Artificial Christmas Tree Will Sell Out Potential Shortage Looms Over Availability

Your Big Lighted Artificial Christmas Tree Will Sell Out Potential Shortage Looms Over Availability

Welcome back everyone to Friday’s edition of the Team Santa Inc. News Daily. You may not believe me but it’s true. The Team Santa Summer Sale Event is already selling out of big artificial Christmas trees. If you stop by our warehouse(s), you will see dozens and dozens of Christmas trees all packed up and waiting to be loaded on the UPS truck to be shipped. Not only regular size trees either. Artificial trees up to 18 feet tall.  Some of our customers are doing a very smart thing by ordering their trees early to avoid the disappointment of having their favorite product sell out before they have a chance to buy it..  It’s happening every single day.  Has Christmas been moved up to October?  It’s crazy here at Team Santa Inc. We are so busy selling trees. Last year many institutions had come to our website to purchase big artificial Christmas trees in October, only to learn that the tree(s) they were sizing up during the Summer, were no longer available for sale, sold out for the remainder of the season.  The big artificial Christmas trees are selling out so fast because of matters related to current trade relations, tariffs, etc. along with other issues related to China, Europe etc. Our large Christmas trees are literally flying out the door. Team Santa Inc. has finally announced that there will be a price increase in September 2019. After the price increase, the tree you want may be more expensive due to the recent retaliatory tariffs imposed by China on their exports. Many supply houses are reluctant to purchase trees, lights, decorations that might get caught up in the trade war, which right now will cost the consumer approximate thirty percent. Our suggestion to anyone out there who wants to purchase a large artificial Christmas tree is to  do it before August ends at the Summer Sale Event. You don’t even have to pay for it nowA 10 percent deposit is all that it takes for Team Santa Inc. to layaway your tree until your order becomes ready for your delivery. After Labor Day our pre-season prices will no longer be in effect and prices most likely will increase because we are moving from pre-season to an in-season pricing schedule. Whether the tree is pre-lighted or unlit, it doesn’t matter. Right now prices are as low as they have been all year and they won’t be going any lower.  There is a coupon code available for an extra 15 percent discount off the price of the tree.  If you have been tracking our prices, you must know that this deal is the best it’s been all year and there is only one week left to save BIG money. If you or your institution is interested in a commercial size indoor/outdoor artificial Christmas tree, please make sure to start up a dialog with Team Santa Inc. Our entire selection of artificial Christmas trees is approaching 3000 skus. If you want to make an investment in a a prelit or unlit artificial Christmas tree and want a good deal of 2019, you need to act before the end of August, during the Summer Sale Event. I know you might think that this might be some ridiculous ploy to get you to buy a tree. Well, for all the naysayers out there, I am sharing honest information with with you. We don’t want to see anyone be disappointed because the artificial Christmas tree that they were planning to purchase has sold out before they can place their order. Do your wallet a favor and don’t wait out the month of August. Place your order now and save big.  Well, I have to go help load the truck with some more trees. Please think about what I said. Maybe the next time I load trees,  one of those Christmas trees just might be yours! I will be back on Monday to talk about more about holiday string lights and seasonal decorations. Please bookmark this website to keep abreast of what’s going on at the Team Santa Inc. web stores. Especially now that we are getting closer to the holiday decorating season  Have a great weekend everybody, enjoy! Happy decorating!

Kind Regards,
Blitzen @ Team Santa Inc.
