You Pick The Price You Pay at Haggle Mania Going On Now At All Team Santa Inc. Web Stores

You Pick The Price You Pay at Haggle Mania Going On Now At All Team Santa Inc. Web Stores
You Pick The Price You Pay at Haggle Mania Going On Now At All Team Santa Inc. Web Stores

You Pick The Price You Pay at Haggle Mania Going On Now At All Team Santa Inc. Web Stores

Greetings Decorating Enthusiasts –

Welcome back to another edition of Team Santa Inc. News Daily. Today we want to celebrate with you and give you an awesome tip before the holiday decorating season comes around and you over pay for something that you could have purchase much cheaper. Going on right this minute is “Haggle Mania” at all Team Santa Inc. Web Stores. Every product on all three websites can be purchased by simply haggling with Team Santa Inc. by email. All you need to do is find the product you like. Then send the part number, quantity and the price you are willing to pay. A Team Santa Inc. representative will receive your offer and within minutes you’ll learn whether your offer was accepted.

Team Santa Inc. cannot accommodate every offer so we may attempt to counter your offer. The overall objective is, to get a absolute best price for that product. A price which is less than what’s listed on the website.‎ Sometimes Team Santa Inc. is not able to move off the price online. When that happens we tell you right away that are margin cannot sustain a bigger discount. There’s always a 10 percent coupon available. You can get 10 percent off if you don’t want to Haggle. It’s so much fun because our customers are so nice and we enjoy communicating with them. It’s lots of fun and every product in the Team Santa Inc. product selection is available for negotiation. There is even a small amount of history related to the history of haggling which is available on the Haggle page as well. Each Team Santa Inc. has a haggling page illustrating how to haggle on a Team Santa Inc. website.

Folks you are really going to enjoy this newly expanded feature. Tons of fun!

Until next time as always,

Happy Decorating!

Team Santa Inc.