Spectacular New Christmas Layaway Program Announced Last Week Updated Today
Greetings Decorating Enthusiasts –
Welcome back to our continuing series of postings related to all things Team Santa Inc. Today’s post is to inform you that Team Santa Inc. has updated their new Layaway Program. Anytime there is an update or something changes, you will see it here first. You might also want to set a bookmark for this web page.
Team Santa Inc.’s new pick now pay later layaway program is heating up. Just the prospects of purchasing your favorite giant prelighted Christmas tree and paying for it over a period of time is a popular concept at Team Santa Inc. 😎
The rules of the layaway program are simple. You pick the products that you want to purchase then send them in a list to support@teamsanta.com. Team Santa Inc. will send you by email an invoice including your layaway information. Then you must leave at least a 10 percent deposit ($10 minimum) and then simply pay the layaway off over time. That is all there is to it. Layaways must be paid in full by December 18th, 2018.
The layaway program is convenient because you make payments when you want to make them which usually coincides with when you have $$$. You may also wish to benefit from the extra storage space that you can have at home. If you aren’t going to use the products until November, there is no reason to have them sitting down your basement. We’ll hold your layaway and ship it to you when you want us to. You tell Team Santa Inc. what is convenient for you.
Team Santa Inc. wants to take this opportunity to wish those celebrants a very happy Easter and a happy Passover. (hugs)
Until the next time, Happy Decorating!
-Team Santa Inc.