Cross with Drape LED Lighted Outdoor Easter Decoration
Welcome Back Decorating Enthusiasts to another edition of the Team Santa Inc. Decorator E-News. Today we have an absolutely beautiful new decoration called the Cross with Drape LED Lighted Outdoor Easter Decoration. This lighted cross, just like the lighted triple cross, is a somewhat more religious piece than our other outdoor Easter decorations. It will look absolutely terrific wherever you decide to hang it. Because it’s not heavy, you can easily hang the cross just about anywhere with a piece of wire or a cable tie. This lighted outdoor Easter decoration looks great on a home or a commercial building. Looks good hanging outside a window, on a railing, off a deck, on a fence, a garage, etc. You can also use the product indoors as well. Adorned with mostly white mini LED lights, this pretty decoration has purple LED lights woven through the cross to make it look as though the cross is draped in a purple cloth. This lighted Easter Decoration is quite sizable at 38 inches tall by 30 Inches wide, so it’s extremely versatile as to where it can be used. Obviously, this lighted cross will look ideal on the outside of a church or ministry. However, because LED string lights stay cool to the touch all the time, this decoration can be used inside a house of worship as well. LED lights use one tenth of the energy required by standard mini lights, so there’s no need to think your electric bill will go up because of this decoration. This lovely Easter Decoration is made of a solid steel frame, so in no way is it flimsy. It’s painted white and each LED string light bulb is meticulously clipped on the frame with each bulb pointing in the same direction. This makes for a uniformed lighted design that is definitely something to visually admire. The frame is white and so is the cord for the lamps. As a result, this decoration looks good in the daytime as well as the night time. It’s truly a nice looking, high quality product. Order now and you will have plenty of time to show it off during the current Easter season. We can only fill orders for this product while our supply lasts. Once we sell out, we will not have the decoration again until next year. If you’re interested, please don’t delay. Kindly allow approximately one week for delivery, once your order is placed. This high quality, sturdy decoration is made proudly in the USA. Additionally, there are more incentives that go along with this Easter Decoration, like FREE ground shipping plus a coupon code discount. Learn more about these incentives when you visit our website. We certainly hope that you enjoyed a preview of this delightful new lighted Easter Decoration. Should you have any questions at any time, please feel free to email [email protected] or call toll free 888.770.7372 to speak to a Team Santa Inc. representative. Our customer support staff is always happy to help you. Until next time..
Happy Decorating! 😎
-Team Santa Inc.