Lighted Pink Flamingo | A Low Cost Summer Decoration Made in the USA
Greetings to all you decorating enthusiasts out there. Welcome to another article, featuring a new lighted decoration, posted on the Team Santa Inc. blog. Today, we have the honor to show you an adorable lighted decoration, which is both budget friendly and ideal for the summer months. Kindly say hello to the lighted pink flamingo. This cute pink flamingo lawn decoration is absolutely perfect for the summertime months.
The lighted flamingo is covered with Christmas lights that are in the colors pink, gold, green and blue. The high quality LED lights do a great job producing vibrant colors. We only use LED Christmas lights on all of our lighted decorations. If you have a lighted decoration with incandescent Christmas lights and some of the lights may have burned out, you may want to consider re-stringing the older decoration, with replacement light strings which are LED or “light emitted diode” and will give your Christmas decorations a fresh new look. All the light bulbs on our current lighted decorations are made using LED Christmas lights and are rated to last up to 40,000 hours. Additionally, if one bulb goes out, the rest of the bulbs stay lit. The decoration with LED Christmas lights, uses only a fraction of the energy of older decorations, so it should pay for itself over its active lifespan. The Christmas lights on each decoration are all premium quality and super bright.
Team Santa Inc. suggests that if at all possible, hang your decorations, as opposed to piling them on top of one and another. Doing so will mitigate the light bulbs which are tugged on or perhaps wires that may be damaged. When you create a pile of lighted decorations in your garage, etc., the light strings on the decorations can get interlocked. When you pull the decorations out of the pile, chances are that the bulbs may be intertwined and /or damaged, if they hook on to the decoration that is above and below. This causes the decoration to incur unnecessary damage to the light bulbs, which causes the bulbs to go dark. This is why we suggest, if at all possible, you hang your lighted decorations from the ceiling or other elevated area. Here is a good “rule of thumb”, simply treat your Christmas decorations, like you would treat your best clothes. Doing this will increase the probability that you will enjoy your lighted decorations for many seasons to come. In addition, each bulb also comes equipped with its own light bulb clip, ensuring that all the light bulbs point in the same direction. This makes a huge difference in the way the decoration looks. All the light bulbs are uniformed, thus creating a much cleaner looking lighted silhouette. If necessary, we also sell the replacement light clips if you want to replace any clips that may have been lost when storing the decoration.
Lastly, and perhaps best of all, this lighted flamingo decoration is made in America, thus creating jobs for American people. You may want to consider purchasing American made Christmas decorations, simply to support our effort to keep manufacturing in the USA. Each lighted decoration that is made in the USA, says so in the details of the product listing. This way, you know whether your lighted decoration was made in the USA.
That’s it for now. We should be back tomorrow with another fabulous lighted decoration that is appropriate for the summer months. Until we then, happy decorating to all.
Warm Regards,
Team Santa Inc.