New Drop Ship Suppliers for the Holidays and Christmas 2022
Do you have a product or service that you think would be a good fit on any of the Team Santa Inc. websites? If so, then why not become a Team Santa Inc. supplier. Send a message to [email protected] and let us know what you have to sell. At Team Santa Inc. we are always looking for new product(s) and/or service(s) that are a good fit for our online platforms. Team Santa Inc. will entertain any of your idea(s) for adding new product(s) and/or service(s) to the Team Santa Inc. growing selection. Our ears are always open for potential opportunities that are palatable for everyone.
All you have to do is send us an email message and make sure that you provide enough information about what you want to sell. All you have to do is write on the subject line of the message, “Possible Supplier“, (no quotes or parenthesis). In the body section of the message, provide a clear and concise description of the product/service that you are offering and please attach any photographs that may be helpful for your submission. The message will be routed to the appropriate Team Santa Inc. member, who will carefully review your submission and then let you know about the possibility of a business relationship between Team Santa Inc. and yourself or your business. That’s really all there is to it. Team Santa Inc. will carefully review your product(s) and/or service(s) and respond within a reasonably prompt time frame with a determination. Sometimes we need more information. If that happens, it’s not a problem because Team Santa Inc. will contact you and request whatever it is that we may need to help us provide you with a determination.
New products are the life blood of our business and the best products are usually kept a secret. Unfortunately, there is no possible way that we can see everything at the trade shows or showrooms. That’s why we have decided this year to openly invite you to talk to Team Santa Inc. right here on our website(s). We are business friendly and love to hear your ideas. You can send your ideas to [email protected].
Products/Services that are submitted for consideration, must be able to be drop shipped by single or double unit(s) and the shipper will be required to provide tracking information to Team Santa Inc. within a 24 hour period after shipping the order. We provide our suppliers with a debit/credit card, so the supplier always is paid before the order is shipped out to the customer. You might have a product that’s a great fit for Team Santa Inc. Whoever you are, now is the time to seize the opportunity for success. The worst possible scenario is the product/service was not as great as we thought it was. Team Santa Inc. handles all the customer service so our suppliers only speak to members of Team Santa Inc. and not our customers.
So, do you have product/service that you can perform or drop ship? Seize the opportunity and make your product/service available to the Team Santa Inc. community, which happens to be getting bigger and bigger every day. Now is your opportunity to have your product/service in front of the Team Santa Inc. online audience. Let us sell for you. All you have to do is send an email message to [email protected] with the above referenced information and Team Santa Inc. will handle the rest. We will aggressively market your product/service to the Team Santa Inc. customer base by direct email, as well as organic search at Google, Bing, etc. Once your product/service is approved by Team Santa Inc. for production, your product/service will be shown to our hundreds of thousands of customers all year round. You get to take advantage of all of our online marketing efforts. We get your product/service in front of our social media audience on websites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and Tumbler.
There is absolutely no cost to become a Team Santa Inc. supplier, so there is no money out of your pocket. This is how to get the additional exposure your product/service might need and not go broke getting there. Send and email message to [email protected] and join the Team Santa Inc. Supplier Program today.
Kind Regards,