Uncle Sam Top Hat Decoration With Red, White and Blue Lights is a Quintessential Patriotic Decoration

Uncle Sam Top Hat Decoration With Red, White and Blue Lights is a Quintessential Patriotic Decoration

Uncle Sam Top Hat Decoration With Red, White and Blue Lights is a Quintessential Patriotic Decoration

Welcome back decorating enthusiasts to another holiday decorating article from the Official Team Santa Inc. Blog. Today’s post should get many of you psyched up for July 4th. Today’s decoration is none other than our lighted Uncle Sam’s Top Hat decoration.

Vividly, lit up with red, white and blue high quality, custom made LED Christmas lights, pre-installed on a metal frame, so no assembly is required. Simply take the Uncle Sam Top Hat decoration out of the carton and plug it in anywhere you want.

Pair our lighted Uncle Sam Hat decoration, with our collection of other lighted Patriotic and American decorations at your home or business. Show everyone at home or at your business, that you are a proud American, with our selection of lighted Patriotic decorations.

Until next time, happy decorating!

Kind Regards,

Team Santa Inc.

Hang This Lighted USA Sign with Your Patriotic Decorations at Your Home or Business

Hang This Lighted USA Sign with Your Patriotic Decorations at Your Home or Business

Hang This Lighted USA Sign with Your Patriotic Decorations at Your Home or Business

Welcome back all you holiday decorating enthusiasts out there. We have another great article that was recently posted on our Team Santa Inc. Official Blog. We are featuring this awesome new lighted USA sign, illuminated using miniature LED Christmas lights that come already pre-installed on the powder coated white steel frame.

Each bulb on the frame is meticulously placed on the decoration, so that every bulb is snapped securely to the frame, with each bulb pointing in the same direction. This is accomplished by using a special proprietary plastic bulb clip, that keeps the bulbs all pointing in the same direction, while at the same time keeping each bulb securely fastened to the metal frame. Pointing the bulbs in one direction on the decoration provides a delightful silhouette of the acronym “USA”, which of course stands for the “United States of America“.

In the Summer of 2023, show all the visitors to your home or business  any one of our lighted American decorations. In addition to our lighted American flags, we also have a wonderful lineup of colorful Patriotic decorations that will absolutely dazzle the eye and provide a dose of Americana or Patriotism, wherever it’s needed. As you get ready for Summer 2023, consider adding some Patriotic decorations either indoors or outdoors, at your home or business. Take this opportunity to demonstrate to all who pass by, that you stand tall because you are extremely proud to be an American.

Until the release of the next article, happy decorating everyone!

Kind Regards,

Team Santa Inc.



Make Your Flower Garden Come Alive At Night With The Lighted Tulips Floral Arrangement

Make Your Flower Garden Come Alive At Night With The Lighted Tulips Floral Arrangement

Make Your Flower Garden Come Alive At Night With The Lighted Tulips Floral Arrangement

Greetings to all the decorating enthusiasts out there! Welcome to another edition of the Official Team Santa Inc. blog.  Today we have a lovely illuminated Tulips arrangement to share, which looks as though it’s growing from the ground. All you have to do is simply take the lighted decoration out of the box, plug it in, and voila, you have yourself an arrangement of lighted flowers, detailed in miniature LED Christmas lights. This delightful lighted decoration is 34 Inches x 43 Inches,  so you get a lot of decoration for your money.

The Christmas lights on this decorations, clip snugly to the decorations metal frame. That’s not all. Each Christmas bulb installed on the frame is done in unison. By installing lights on the metal frame in this manner, the LED Christmas bulbs create a much more detailed silhouette, which makes it much easier to see the definition of the decoration, from as far as several hundred yards away.‎   The Christmas lights that are installed on the decoration are top of the line, premium quality, super bright and amazingly colorful. The colors are so vibrant that it could only be created using LED Christmas lights (LED stands for light emitting diode). Each custom Christmas lights string that is pre-installed on the metal frame of the decoration and is rated to light for over 40,000 hours. Additionally, if one bulb goes out, the rest of the Christmas bulbs remain lit. Although, we use primarily outdoor light strings, the lights are not completely impervious to the weather. You should always do what you can to treat the Christmas lights with the utmost care, so they provide you with many years of good use. Most damage to light strings and Christmas decorations occur during the storage period. We always suggest to our customers that they hang the decorations as opposed to stacking them on top of one another. Stacking them on top of one another, causes the light strings to get tangled and caught together, ultimately breaking the wires or bulbs which damages the decoration. If you hang the lighted decoration just like you would clothes, this will mitigate the chances that the lighted tulips or any other same type lighted decoration will not get tangled up. If you ever need replacement strings of light, we have those available. Each quality decoration is assembled here in the USA.

Each lighted outdoor decorations  includes lawn stakes which enable you to stick the lighted decoration into the ground, so that it is free standing.  This specific lighted tulip patch will look absolutely stellar at the base of a flag pole, if you have one. It’s important that there be an electrical outlet nearby. The decoration has approximately 4 feet of cord. An outdoor extension cord will do the trick if the plug doesn’t reach. Bury the wires in the dirt the best you can, so the wires are not exposed to the naked eye.We certainly hope you enjoyed this latest article. We have tons more artificial Christmas trees, lights and Christmas decorations to tell you about so bookmark the blog or add it to your favorites, so it’s easy for you to find your way back.

Until the next time, happy decorating.


Team Santa Inc.