Dreaded Spotted Lantern Fly Finds Way Into Your Home Through Real Christmas Trees
Greetings Decorating Enthusiasts –
Happy Monday to all our wonderful readers. Over the weekend, someone had shared with me a story that totally grossed me out. As a reporter for the Team Santa Inc. News Daily, I felt compelled to continue to share this information with you. If you wish to share, please do.
This Christmas tree infesting bug found in New Jersey could lay eggs in your house. Lantern fly threatens NJ trees and fruit crops New Jersey officials will begin looking for egg masses this autumn to see if the spotted lantern fly has come into the state from Pennsylvania.
Remember a while back when we told you about the spotted lantern fly, a tree-destroying pest that has been found in multiple New Jersey counties? Well, it turns out these bugs could end up making everyone’s Christmas a whole lot less merry, according to a report from NJ.com. New Jersey agriculture experts say that the spotted lantern fly latches on to multiple kinds of trees, including many types of pine trees, and that could cause a rapid spread of the species this Christmas season, the report says – “As such, they’re warning folks all over the state to take extra care in choosing the tree they chose to decorate their homes with this upcoming Christmas season”. And as if potentially causing the spread of this tree-destroying pest wasn’t scary enough, experts also warn that once in your home, the spotted lantern fly could lay eggs and spread even more rapidly, according to the report. So far, the spotted lantern fly has been found in Warren, Hunterdon and Mercer counties, so if those are your go-to spots for Christmas trees…beware. If you do find yourself with these bugs, call the Department of Agriculture on their hotline number — 833-BADBUG-0 (833-223-2840). The information above was sourced from NorthJersey.com.
Folks, everyone has an opinion on whether to select an artificial Christmas tree or a real Christmas tree. It’s our opinion that if you are serious about keeping your family safe this holiday season, you really need to heed this warning and stop engaging in activities that cause problems. House fires are the number one reason to switch to an artificial Christmas tree. However, I would hate to wake up next to one of these bugs lounging on my pillow next to me. I don’t know about you, but it’s just another reason to buy an artificial Christmas tree and not a live Christmas tree. Until next time..
Happy Decorating!
Team Santa Inc.