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“They look just like glass”. That’s the opinion of just about everyone who sees this incredible product. Shatterproof plastic Christmas ornaments both matte and shiny in all sizes, shapes and colors. “Team Santa Inc. has unbreakable, round, Christmas ornaments up to 16 inches in diameter. Shatterproof plastic ornaments are ideal for high traffic areas that has decorating requirements. Decorate the Christmas tree with these handsome ornaments and the onlookers will think they are looking at glass GUARANTEED. If an ornaments falls off the tree or from the ceiling, just pick it up and hang it back up. It’s unbreakable plastic so broken ornaments no more. Awesome! 😎
Perfect for homes with children and/or pets. Rest assured that your loved ones will enjoy the holidays and not potentially get injured by a broken glass ornament. The “ornaments sold on are the absolutely the most sophisticated, most elaborate ornaments, that I have ever seen”, said Newman Copelow, who is an industry analyst. The different shapes and sizes make the selection incredibly comprehensive. A voluminous assortment, finials, teardrops, onions, etc. has hundreds of shatterproof Christmas ornaments to choose from.
You want to hang ornaments from your ceiling? The jumbo size, lightweight plastic ornaments are perfect. If they fall from the ceiling, THEY WILL BOUNCE NOT BREAK. The jumbo ornaments are so lightweight, which makes them versatile for use among your holiday display. If you haven’t visited a Team Santa Inc. Web Store this year, you don’t know what you are missing. 8-( Team Santa Inc. is your first and last stop for Christmas trees, Christmas lights, lighted outdoor decorations and these fantastic unbreakable ornaments. This year’s product selection is bigger and better than ever before. We are only a click away. Until next time..
Happy Decorating! 😎
Team Santa Inc.
Spotted Lanternflies Can Infest Your Home Through A Live Christmas Tree
Lanternfly Warning For Six States Bug Can Infest Your Home Through Real Christmas Trees
The spotted lanternfly could spoil many families’ holiday season, according to New Jersey agricultural expert Joseph Zoltowski, director of the New Jersey Department of Agriculture’s Division of Plant Industry, speaking to
Zoltowski says the tree-killing insect could potentially spread to homes by hiding in Christmas trees and leaving eggs to hatch. The spotted lanternfly, which is a native of eastern Asia, arrived in the U.S. four years ago in Pennsylvania and has spread throughout the eastern parts of the state.
The bug has recently been detected in three New Jersey counties—Hunterdon, Mercer and Warren. It is believed to spread by attaching itself and its eggs to vehicles carrying wood, landscaping materials and agricultural produce, which would include the bark and branches of Christmas trees. “They’re very hard to spot,” said Zoltowski.
A woman in Warren County, New Jersey, confirmed that she found lanternfly eggs attached to her Christmas tree once the insects hatched inside her home, according to Zoltowski. The expert said that there were two egg masses discovered in the bark, which are capable of storing as many as 30 to 50 eggs each.
Zoltowksi suggests that those planning to get a pre-cut Christmas tree should inspect every branch carefully for eggs and both live and dead insects before making a purchase of a live Christmas tree. Though the tree itself would only be killed by a large number of these insects, any presence of the bugs could spread in your home. “It’s a bad bug in that it could affect all types of agriculture,” Zoltowski said.
According to the New Jersey Department of Agriculture: “The Spotted Lanternfly adult is approximately 1 inch long and a half-inch wide at rest. The fore wing is grey with black spots and the wings tips are reticulated black blocks outlined in gray. “The hind wings have contrasting patches of red and black with a white band. The legs and head are black; the abdomen is yellow with broad black bands. Immature stages are black with white spots, and develop red patches as they grow.
“Adults and nymphs feed on phloem tissues of young stems with their piercing and sucking mouth parts and excrete large flies
quantities of liquid (honeydew) [which] facilitates the growth of sooty mold,” reports the department. Grape and apple growers in Pennsylvania are on high alert as female lanternflies are laying eggs for the following year, according to
American Agriculturalist.
“All lanternflies are in their adult stage right now, and females are laying eggs on hard surfaces such as trees, stones, fences, fence posts or vineyard posts,” according to American Agriculturalist’s report. “Spotted lanternflies have an apparent appetite for grapes, wine or juice, with 200 to 250 feedings per vine.”
For more information read The New Jersey Department of Agriculture guidelines on spotted lanternfly identification and reporting. Written by Jason Hall at
Do your plans this holiday season include purchasing a new artificial Christmas tree? If so, Team Santa Inc. has something IMPORTANT to share with you. we have the absolute highest quality, most realistic looking, artificial Christmas trees at the lowest prices found anywhere. If that’s not enough, Team Santa Inc. will not be under sold. If you see a tree on both and a competitor web site, Team Santa Inc. will absolutely beat the price. It’s that simple! Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Michael’s Inc., it doesn’t matter what store it is. No store will under sell Team Santa Inc. this holiday season.
When you shop a Team Santa Inc. web store, not only do you get a low price guarantee, but we offer the finest customer service found anywhere, online and off. Sam Bartolo, General Manager and his team have as much holiday decorating experience as anyone. He also has the patience of a Saint. No kidding around. If you have a question about your holiday decorations display, go ask Sam. He doesn’t care whether you buy something or not. He just loves to help all our wonderful website(s) users. “How many lights do I need for a 7 foot tree”? Sam knows the answer. “How many sets of icicle lights do I need for the front of my house”? Sam knows the answer to that one too. He is an encyclopedia of knowledge related to holiday decorating. Anything you want to know, just ask Sam @ Team Santa Inc.
Team Santa Inc. has the largest selection of both lighted and unlitartificial Christmas trees sold ANYWHERE. Our lighted trees have super high quality LED mini lights pre-installed on the tree. Our selection has over 1500 artificial Christmas trees to choose from, so there is no shortage of selection. Come one, Come all, the current 10% off coupon code is “turkey”(no quotes or parenthesis) + FREE shipping on all trees 5 foot trees and over, that are delivered inside the continental US. The deals are just too good to pass up.
EXTRA, EXTRA, READ ALL ABOUT IT!Did you hear about the current Lanternflies problemon television, Internet or the newspaper?YUCK! Live Christmas tree farms in six states have already been affected by Lanternflies thus far. Is bringing a live Christmas tree into your clean home, worth possibly infesting your family with Lanternflies? Just imagine when waking up Christmas morning to learn that you are sharing your pillow with Larry the Lanternfly? It’s serious, so please read about it on our blog or check the news.
Most all of our high quality artificial Christmas trees include a 10 year warranty on the tree and 5 years on the lights. Team Santa Inc. stands behind all products we sell. Come see what we’re talking about. Then you might want to tell a friend. Until next time.
Are Lighted Outdoor Decorations on Your List This Holiday Season?
Plan on decorating for the holidays? Silly question huh? Kindly allow us to introduce to you our most delightful selection of LED lighted outdoor holiday decorations. This whimsical assortment of products has grown to 300 + LED lighted decorations. Just wait until you see what we have in store for you. A wonderful assortment of lighted animal decorations, elves, Santa Claus decorations, plus so much more. Turn your home or business into a winter wonderland this holiday season.
You don’t have to celebrate Christmas to have fun with these brilliant outdoor lighted decorations. For instance, if you celebrate Hanukkah we have a beautiful lighted blue lighted menorah decoration. There are also so many other decorations for autumn, like our adorable selection of the first settlers in America. There is even three lighted turkeys for Thanksgiving. We have a lovely selection of outdoor skaters that would look awesome in any lighted holiday decoration display. You think you’re Patriotic huh? Why not try some of our outdoor lighted America theme decorations to add a patriotic touch to your display. Mostly all of our outdoor lighted decorations are made right here is the USA. Made of finest materials like a powder coated steel frame to last you for years and years of continued enjoyment. We guarantee that you will not be disappointed. Right now use coupon code “turkey” (no quotes or parenthesis) for a 10% discount. Spend $75 and get FREE shipping inside the continental US. Until next time.
Team Santa Inc. Has Lighted Christmas Trees, Lights & Holiday Decorations FREE SHIPPING @ $75 For US Customers
Team Santa Inc. Has Lighted Christmas Trees, Lights & Holiday Decorations FREE SHIPPING @ $75 For US Customers
Team Santa is proud to offer USA residents FREE SHIPPING @ $75. We regret that we cannot make this offer available to the residents who live outside the continental USA. In that case Team Santa Inc. ships to Alaska and Hawaii residents via UPS two day service. Next Day service is also available. Large orders ship by truck & trailer. Please send email to [email protected] for more information.
Democrats, Republicans, Independents, etc., we all share something very much in common during the holiday season. Why not try to enjoy it? None of us are here forever. Don’t waste the opportunity. 😎
Happy Decorating!
Sam Bartolo
General Manager
WEB Properties
Team Santa Inc.
888 – 770 -7372
We Ship to Canada Every Day So Make Our Next Delivery to Canada Yours
We Ship to Canada Every Day So Make Our Next Delivery To Canada Your Place
Do you live in Canada? Well listen to this, not only does Team Santa Inc. ship to Canada, but if you are unfamiliar with the customs procedure, don’t worry about a thing, because Team Santa Inc. will handle the entire process for you. Larger orders sometimes have to encounter customs/border charges which as you know are paid to the Canadian government. If there are import charges related to your order, we will email you with the information and you can tell us what you want to do.
Don’t sweat the paperwork. There’s no need to worry about anything because we have the connections. Just relax and place your order with piece of mind. Team Santa Inc. has been shipping to all provinces of the Canadian territory for over 20 years and we do not have plans to stop anytime soon. So if you live in Canada and would like to place an order, don’t let the fact that you live in Canada stop you. Team Santa Inc. will work hard to make sure you receive your order quickly and in good condition. Team Santa Inc. uses UPS for most average size orders shipped to Canada. Large orders too big for UPS, ship by truck w/trailer.
We are always happy to help you, 7 days a week, during normal business hours. Send email to our support staff at [email protected].
Kindest Regards,
Sam Bartolo
General Manager
WEB Properties
Team Santa Inc.
Visit us at America’s Favorite Christmas Store,
If you are planning to build a holiday display this year, we have valuable information to share with you. The the holiday season is right around the corner and Team Santa Inc. has combined over 50 years of experience selling holiday string lights, lighted Christmas decorations and artificial Christmas trees. There are literally thousands of holiday products.
Do business with a knowledgeable company who can provide you with the best customer experience anywhere. Only seconds away, 7 days a week. Send email, text message or call us for telephone support. If you have a question or would like to place an order, there is always a Team Santa Inc. representative waiting to help you. Once you place your order, you can expect to receive your delivery in approximately 5-10 days. So now is the time to plan this year’s lighted holiday decorations display.
Team Santa Inc. always provides you with a secure payment portal for your convenience. Team Santa Inc. accepts all major credit/debit cards, checks, Paypal and ACH wire transfer.
You can visit any of Team Santa Inc.’s online stores below –
Christmastopia.comAmerica’s favorite Christmas store. Amazing selection of holiday string lights, artificial Christmas trees and decorations.
This year make your first stop your last stop when you purchase your Pre-lighted Christmas tree, string lights and/or outdoor lighted decorations. We can’t wait to show you all the new stuff!
“Destructive Invasive Pest” Christmas Tree Farms in Five States Being Bugged by the Spotted Lanternfly
“Destructive Invasive Pest” Christmas Tree Farms in Five States Being Bugged by the Spotted Lanternfly
Greetings Decorating Enthusiasts –
Welcome back to another edition of the Team Santa Inc. News Daily. Today we continue our story with what officials are calling a “Destructive Invasive Pest”. Apparently this insect, called the spotted lanternfly and has been spotted at live Christmas tree lots in 5 states in the northeast part of the U.S. The bug from what we understand is not poisonous, but it can enter your home latched onto your live Christmas tree if you use one. New York State Environmental Conservation and Agriculture have confirmed that both live and dead spotted lanternflies were found at a tree nursery in Deer Park, Suffolk County, which is in NY. Apparently they arrived via a shipment originating from Pennsylvania and headed to the east cost carrying live Christmas trees.
“We are closely tracking spotted lanternfly, a destructive invasive pest that has the potential to severely impact our state’s agricultural and tourism industries,” DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos said in a press release. Newman Copelow, long time industry expert says “that this outbreak of insects does not have to be a concern if you use an artificial Christmas tree. The threat only exists through the use of live or real Christmas trees”. Copelow continued, “the new artificial Christmas trees they make these days look more realistic than ever” Plus “you can buy one with LED Christmas lights” already pre-installed. Then you can connect your tree to your computer or other smart device”. He said, “It’s not quite clear why people are still using real Christmas trees in 2018”. In addition to the potential for fire, customers who purchase live Christmas trees must be on the lookout for insects in their homes this holiday season.
Spotted lanternfly infestations were first discovered in Pennsylvania in 2014 and have since been found in New Jersey, Delaware and Virginia, New York. There is anticipation related to the risk of the spotted lanternfly to populate the batches of live Christmas trees being delivered. According to the DEC, spotted lanternflies are at first black with white spots before turning red when they become adults. They start to appear as early and April each year. They are approximately one inch long, with eye-catching wings. Their forewings are gray and black, hindwings red with black spots and the upper portions are dark with a white stripe. Adults lay eggs on nearly anything from trunks, roots, firewood, furniture and even cars. Now the bug can enter your home or business via your live Christmas tree. This has caused great concern among Christmas tree growers and their affiliates. Shipment of real Christmas trees originating at this time are being refused and told not to ship. Some say thousands of Christmas trees have already been affected by the outbreak. “Given the widespread devastation this invasive pest can have on our agricultural crops, we appreciate all efforts to identify and report the spotted lanternfly in New York State,” State Agriculture Commissioner Richard A. Ball said. If you believe you’ve found spotted lanternfly in New York the DEC asks you to take the following steps: Take a picture of the insect, egg masses and/or any signs of infestation. Send it by email to [email protected] Note the location (address, intersecting roads, landmarks or GPS coordinates.)
A Ravenous Creature, The Spotted Lanternfly, Now Spotted In New York Too. Safety Concerns Continue to Grow About Live Christmas Trees
A Ravenous Creature, The Spotted Lanternfly, Now Spotted In New York Too. Safety Concerns Continue to Grow About Live Christmas Trees
Welcome decorating enthusiasts to another edition of the Team Santa Inc. News Daily. We hope your doing well. Today’s topic is bugs, insects, etc. I don’t know about you but if I see a bug in my house I become aware of my surroundings and inspect my property for bugs. It’s called insect patrol.
Now all of a sudden this Spotted Lanternfly has just dominated the news related to the possibility of real Christmas trees being infested by ?these insects during the holiday season. There are so many people out there who demand a real Christmas tree but they don’t seriously consider the risk. House fires peak during the holiday season. This is because the Christmas lights can present a danger when used on a real Christmas tree, if used improperly, etc. The owner needs to make certain that the needles of the real Christmas tree do not dry up from the heat of the holiday lights. One thing leads to another and now you have a terrible fire. I see it on the news all the time during the holiday season. It’s sad to say the least, but unfortunately it’s true. So now not only do you need to heed the warning of the fire hazard, but now your real Christmas tree has been exposed to spotted lanternflys. Doesn’t that sound pretty gross? Christmas enthusiasts must now also accept the fact that they may be bringing bugs into their home during the holiday season. This is a serious health and safety concern.
If you do buy a real Christmas tree, please keep it wet and look it up and down to see if you can spot the spotted lanternfly insect nesting anyway in the tree. You could always just go and purchase a prelighted LED artificial Christmas tree and you will put a stop to the potential danger you are exposing yourself, your friends and family, including your pets to this nasty insect. The choice is yours of course.I
Enjoy your Tuesday. We’ll see you tomorrow with more information.